Tibhar Robot RoboPro Master


With the Tibhar Robo Pro Master, the combination of high quality, functionality and ease of use has been successfully achieved. However, these features come at a price. For beginners and of course for advanced competitors or professionals.Robo Pro Master is a table tennis robot that shows off its skills. Easy and fast installation, good operability. Automatic ball return, 2 ball ejection heads, individually controllable. The set also includes a net,in which the balls are collected, and the automated ball return system. Ten speeds and frequencies of ball ejection, 9 different types of rotation and 30 pre-programmed settings with high precision. Balls can be served in 10 different speed levels and in 10 ejection frequencies that range from 25 to 95 balls per minute. In addition, this table tennis machine can serve direct launch balls. Robo Pro Master can place the ball in 11 different locations.But that’s not all! One can adjust the angle of the trajectory. In general, the balls exhibit very high and repeatable accuracy. From this it can be concluded that the Tibhar Robo Pro Master is a TT robot that meets the highest quality standards. Note that the Master is not only suitable for advanced players and professionals, but also for beginners. The tennis robot comes without tennis balls. 

Item number: 22041000

Price: (1687) 1668 €

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